Monday, April 6, 2009

First trip to the E.R.

What a beautiful boy Its Hard to believe that with all of Brady's medical history we have never been to and E. R. Not to worry! Brady is fine... for the moment anyways. Mom and Dad kept him last night because Sunday night he woke up at 11:00pm and didnt go back to sleep until after breakfast!!! The whole time he was doing this horrible whiney cry thing...THE WHOLE TIME! His head arches back soo far it looks like it is going to pop off his body! Needless to say it dosent look very comfortable. He chokes on his saliva while he is arching back too.. not a fun time all around! Anyway, he started doing the same thing today and since our regular Neuroligist is out of town (not sure why) we called the Neuroligist on call and he wanted to see him just to check him out. We still havent got the results from the video eeg they did the other night. The dr's are confused on it. Brady seems to be confusing a lot of Dr.'s. They can't tell if all the tensing up is a type of seizure, or if its gastric pains and he is just tensing up his muscles to relieve it. Either way the EEG shows a cluster of brain waves when he is doing it and they cant tell which one it is. They are having some specialist look at it today. Hopefuly we will have some results come Wednesday. Since Dr. Parker is out of town, we will be seeing Dr. Vada. We ended up cutting back on some of his medicines today (which is rare) and cutting his shot back to every other day instead of every day. It is alway good to cut medicines back instead of adding to his already long list of them. So we should see some results in the next couple of days! I pray its Gas!!! If it is the spasms still (which none of the Dr.s think it is) then that means the ACTH is not working and we will probally stop the injections. That is not a good thing.. Because that is the only medicine in the USA approved to stop the spasms. God Please Please Please dont let the spasms be coming back!!! I know the power of my God. I know he will not give me or Brady anything that we can not handle. And I know he will be right here with us while we are going through it all. I also know he is the God of miracles and I pray for one everyday. We have see him work in Brady's life since day one of Brady's life and I know he is not about to stop now! Please pray for such a miracle.. Pray that he preforms such an awsome miracle that there is no denying the work of God! I pray he stops the Dr.s and Nurses in their tracks.. I pray he leaves them scratching their head saying "what just happened here" I dont just pray that he will be ok.. I pray that he will be Great! Perfect! ExtraOrdinary! A living Proof of God's work and of God's love! I hope you pray for the same. This week (yesterday) 2000 years ago Jesus was getting beaten over and over. His flesh was being ripped off his body. He was being laughed at, taunted, murdered all so we can live and have an everlasting life with his daddy. Isaiah 53:5 says " He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisment of our peace was upon him; and by his stripes we are healed" I claim that everyday for Brady! That by the striped of Jesus Christ, he will be healed. Thank you Jesus for doing what you did so I can be here today with this peace I have about my baby, your child. And thank you for choosing him to witness to so many. I know your work has just begun in his little life and we will see great things from him, thanks to you! Well, I will let you know what we find out Wednesday. Hopefully Great news. How great would it be to hear it's just gas or an upset stomach... so simple... Pray Pray Pray Until Wednesday, Jenny P.S. off the topic.. did anyone catch House tonight! I am still so upset. How shocking!!!


Patty, a.k.a. GeeGee said...

I'm so glad they didn't suspect anything. Be SURE to give my baby a big kiss from GeeGee... I miss him so much.

Luv you all and pray constantly..


Patty, a.k.a. GeeGee said...

Oh yea, still waiting for you to 'zip' me those pix.
